STUDENT BAZAAR :- The main concept was to built qualities of Entrepreneur among us . We have created a vertual market to sell and buy different kind of products inside the campus. Participents had great experience of learning selling skills ,negotiation skills and marketing skills as they promoted their business one day before the event.
CATERPILLAR:- Its ateam building team whose foundation was totally dependent upon team coordination .Here we conducted race among different teams were the teammates had to carry a ball without using their hands thill the end whoever team reaches first got the prize.
In this activite we provided waste as raw material they have to produce some thing productive from this raw material and sell to the audience i.e faculty ,students in the campus. here the leason behind the activity is team building skills, coordination between the teammates ,innovative ideas & pitching skills.
In this activity each team of 4 members had to write the name of counties as much as they can in 1 min and the winner was who had highest uncommon countries in the list. The lesson behind this activity was to check the general awareness of students.